British Values

All schools have a duty to promote basic British Values, defined by the government. At St Paul’s Cray CE Primary School we have respect and cultural tolerance at the heart of our mission statement. Our Christian ethos and our creative and inclusive curriculum are key to helping children understand and respect these British Values.

Outlined here are some of the ways in which we help prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain.

Being part of Britain / Democracy / Rule of Law / Individual Liberty / Mutual Respect and Tolerance


Our curriculum introduces democracy and explains it in age-appropriate ways.

From a practical point of view, pupils have opportunities to share their opinions and have their views considered, for example during class discussions and circle time and through Pupil Voice and the School Council which meets half termly. The School Council provides a forum for children from years 2-6 to be represented and to put forward suggestions and influence decisions. The election of members is carried out entirely by pupils’ votes, reflecting the British electoral system.

Rule of Law

Children understand that school rules exist to keep everybody safe.

Our behaviour policy ensures that the school is a calm and ordered place to provide the best environment for learning. Our Golden Rules have been developed in consultation with pupils, staff and parents. There is a clear system of rewards and sanctions. When rules are broken, as well as activating the appropriate sanction, staff take time to discuss with pupils the impact of their actions, how they can make amends and what behaviour is required to avoid future punishment.

Children are also taught to respect the rule of law and their own responsibilities in the wider context of life beyond school. Regular talks and visits take place to reinforce this, for instance, talks from the local police, Bromley Life Bus and Junior Citizens sessions. Junior Road Safety Officers are also actively involved in promoting rules around road safety.

Individual Liberty

Throughout the curriculum, children learn about rights and responsibilities in society.

They are encouraged to develop independence in their learning and to make choices within a supportive environment. They are helped to make these choices safely through PSHEC teaching and e-safety guidance.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

From their earliest years in school, children learn to respect the traditions and beliefs of others.

Our Religious Education syllabus explores a variety of religions and cultures and the themes of mutual respect and tolerance are also developed in the PSHEC and SMSC curriculum.

In addition, these values are reinforced by the modelling of respectful behaviour by staff. This is backed up by our policies on behaviour, PSHEC (which includes anti-bullying and relationships) and inclusion and equality.

As a Church of England school, we provide a caring Christian setting within which all our children can feel safe, confident and valued. Whilst we celebrate our Christian ethos in collective worship, termly whole services at St Mary’s Church and in Christian reflection areas in the classroom, the RE curriculum also enables pupils to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of other major, world faiths.